The contents of cooperation related to market shifting trends and chip production in the context of new global supply chain fluctuations, include:
– Program to develop human resources for chip manufacturing in Vietnam through training in related disciplines in Taiwan and training as trainees at CMSC’s facilities.
– Research program to apply the solutions of Art Analog and CMSC in the scale-up phase of products researched, designed and successfully raised by Sharetech.
– Join the Taiwan Semi-conductor Association in promoting and introducing semiconductor products, specialized chip design solutions to other R&D and high-tech product manufacturing units in Viet Nam!
During this meeting, the two sides agreed to immediately deploy the recruitment plan of engineers and technical students in the fields of Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science, etc. for the Human Resources Training Program in 2023 with the following candidates: Full scholarships at CMSC affiliated universities including National Tsing Hua University, Feng Chia University and Providence University, with 20 graduate scholarships and 10 PhD scholarships at each.
We hope that with the understanding of Taiwan and the strength of operating in the high-tech field, Sharetech will become one of the companion partners and contribute to the development of this field in Vietnam faster
Some exchange programs of Sharetech and partners in Taiwan
SHARETECH – The Technology of sharing!